Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday, March 22, 2013

Dear George Bush and Dick Cheney, You Are Guilty of Murder: A Letter from a Dying Veteran | Alternet

If this doesn't make you stop, think and snap back to reality, along with trying to hold back the tears, then I don't know what will:  "I hope that before your time on earth ends, as mine is now ending, you will find the strength of character to beg for forgiveness." by One of our forsaken War Vets. The Elitists have been very busy for far too long offering up duped Americans as their "Sacrificial Lambs" in order to advance their agenda of Greed and Power. And don't expect them to push the "Pause Button" during this most Holy time of year around the World, for they are their own gods beholden to no other higher authority. As for the rest of us lowly and deceived souls, we are nothing more than their private cast of unworthy characters aboard their "Ship of Fools".

Dear George Bush and Dick Cheney, You Are Guilty of Murder: A Letter from a Dying Veteran | Alternet